And thats the technique I've been using re mouse events and if that's
going to be, and stay, the method for this in the future, then.....

I've had some success with doing some low level swing event
interception stuff for keyboard stuff in JavaFX 1.0, but I think it
stopped working in 1.2.

I was never comfortable with it, felt like I was way outside the
warranty zone.

On Sep 23, 12:49 pm, TorNorbye <> wrote:
> On Sep 22, 7:44 pm, TorNorbye <> wrote:
> > If you need to intercept mouse handlers for the scene, you can add a
> > "glass pane"; add a transparent Rectangle at the end of the
> > scene.content and attach mouse handlers to it. Since this is visually
> > at the top (because you added it as the last child of the scene) it
> > will always receive key events
> Sorry, I meant mouse events...
> > , and since it is transparent, it will
> > not block mouse events to the content below it.
> Key events are trickier to deal with than mouse events, because once
> another node gets focus your key handler doesn't get called anymore,
> and the glasspane trick which works for mouse events doesn't work for
> key events.
> -- Tor
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