>And no I don't see an overall business benefit for a large team moving to 
>Scala from Java at this point.
>Given reasons previously stated you need to look at macro benefits not 'I am a 
>developer and I like it' mentality.

Amen! The best thing for producitivity is to stick in one technology,
get to know it well, and use it project after project.
I often see no, or little cost/benefit analysis when adopting new
frameworks or technology.

I've never seen a team deliver value faster than on a stack of Struts
1, Hibernate 3 and Jetty/Tomcat.

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 2:36 PM, Liam Knox <liamjk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What your are describing is still a mix and match suite of technologies that
> when meshed together you can sort of solve some things in a painful way.
> No attempt has really been made to provide a concise expression of these
> concerns and therefore base a better platform to cover these
> That is my point. No SQL, WebServices, REST, SOAP etc, etc, ok what new
> acronyms shall we have next year?
> Lets have another one for persistence, another one for remoting , blah,
> blah, bloody blah. Its all very disparate and desperate
> This has been going on since the 70's and have we really made a lot of
> progress?  Really are WebServices so fantastic compared to Corba?  A
> technical revolution that makes even Einstein seem kind thick doesn't it ?
> As for you contention on concurrency. I would much rather a platform that
> could utilize concurrency intelligently, as with other resource
> I kind of think GC's are good so now why not invest more in proving more
> seemless concurrency utilization
> And no I don't see an overall business benefit for a large team moving to
> Scala from Java at this point.
> Given reasons previously stated you need to look at macro benefits not 'I am
> a developer and I like it' mentality.
> On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 10:06 PM, Kevin Wright <kev.lee.wri...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On 29 August 2010 13:19, Liam Knox <liamjk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I did not define any problem.
>>> Look at the history here. Gosling etc. made it very, very clear,
>>> definitive, decisions in inventing Java. OS neutrality, pointers, memory,
>>> what to leave out.  I maybe wrong also but I remember a key employee
>>> resigning based on supporting C++ on N Unix variants also played a part.
>>> And this basically states why Java was successful.  Java took 2 problems,
>>> OS dependence and Memory(pointer) management.
>>> These were massive.  Java is also more easy/less complex the C++.
>>> So whats next ?
>>> Define the issues we still have.
>>> 1. Persistence has not evolved for the last 30 years. The mentality is
>>> still some loose binding that is not easy to develop to. SQL vs OO mess
>> Although... grid computing and "application fabrics" (e.g. terracotta)
>> have offered ways no neatly sidestep persistence in many cases.  The NoSQL
>> movement also has a great deal to offer.
>> In the sense that systems like MUMPS have exposed similar concepts for
>> years then, yes, it hasn't evolved all that much!
>>> 2. Remoting. We are in no better shape than with Corba. Look at the
>>> WebServices spec, is that better than Corba?
>> WebServices, as in SOAP?
>> Totally, just as with Corba, the standard has been pushed around and abuse
>> by corporations hoping to turn it into anything but a commodity.  Margins
>> are so much higher if you can arrange for vendor lock-in.
>> REST, on the other hand, I think is really showing some promise as an open
>> standard.
>>> 3. Concurrency. Actors in Scala? Fantastic. But why cant a VM understand
>>> a loop that can be executed in parallel?
>> In a word: "purity"
>> While it's possible for a function to have side-effects (i.e. it does
>> something other that transform its input to its output), then the compiler
>> can never be certain that one iteration of a loop isn't somehow dependant on
>> the side effects of a previous iteration, and so cannot optimise.
>> Consider one such classic side effect, logging to the console.  Given a
>> list of integers, how could you possibly `println` them all in parallel?
>> This is *the* issue that myself and other Scala/FP advocates have been
>> tearing our hair out to explain, and is the reason why "FP is better for
>> concurrency".  Only if you have pure (without side-effects) first-class
>> functions and work with immutable objects can you be sure that a "loop" is
>> 100% safe to execute in parallel.  Only it's not a loop any more, it's just
>> a mapping from one collection to another collection, and you've shifted from
>> an imperative paradigm to a declarative one.
>>> I don't think we are talking about noddy improvements in semantics or
>>> conciseness like Scala promotes.
>>> Scala adds nothing to Java in the real world, compared to a better
>>> persistence idiom.
>> Scala adds FP to Java, and does it more completely and more effectively
>> than the JDK7 closures proposal.  Mostly because it doesn't have to drag the
>> cumbersome weight of backward compatibility.  This is absolutely *not* a
>> noddy improvement, it's critical!
>> There are other languages that take steps in this direction, but they all
>> demand a significant shift in convention and syntax, and/or are dynamically
>> typed.  This puts Scala in the unique position of being a true
>> statically-typed FP language with near-Java syntax and conventions.
>> If you really can't see the genuine benefits that Scala has to offer, then
>> you clearly haven't looked at it for long enough or in enough depth.  Of
>> course there are some very valid criticisms that can rightly be aimed at
>> Scala, but that list most certainly does *not* include "only offering noddy
>> improvements in syntax" and "adding nothing to the real world"!
>>> The next evolution needs to be more realistic in what actually systems do
>>> right now.
>> Agreed, on the understanding that evolutions take place in developers, far
>> more so than in programming languages.
>>> 2010/8/29 Cédric Beust ♔ <ced...@beust.com>
>>>> On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 12:29 AM, Liam Knox <liamjk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> First define the problem you want to solve.
>>>> You already did that:
>>>> All look rehashes and mutations of one another without providing any
>>>> real benefit from walking a way from Java with its standards, footprint,
>>>> community etc, etc.
>>>> So, what language do you have to offer?
>>>> --
>>>> Cédric
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>> Kevin Wright
>> mail/google talk: kev.lee.wri...@gmail.com
>> wave: kev.lee.wri...@googlewave.com
>> skype: kev.lee.wright
>> twitter: @thecoda
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