I don't disagree.  Indeed, doing a complex bespoke app in force.com is
far more risky than a bespoke Java app.

But I see there being 'tool for the job' problem:

Force.com ->  Rails -> Grails -> Spring MVC/Hibernate -> JSF/JPA ->

And if you are looking at creating a multi-user Access DB / Lotus
notes / Departmental workflow/CRUD app, then its in the sweet spot.

That transactional Ebay clone... not so much.

On Nov 7, 1:33 pm, Jeremy Ross <jeremy.g.r...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You have to be really careful with these "VB for the web" platforms.
> In any non-trivial app, you start hitting all sorts of limitations
> that will have you pining for the good ol' days.
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1664503/disadvantages-of-the-force...
> On Nov 4, 8:09 pm, Steven Herod <steven.he...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I started at 11.35am and finished at 11.55am
> >http://login.salesforce.com/
> > Username: javapo...@gmail.com
> > Password: <contact me>
> > You can run your daily report herehttps://ap1.salesforce.com/00O90000001as5W
> > Anybody else can see a few screenshots here:
> >http://picasaweb.google.com/steven.herod/DropBox#
> > A few more minutes, and I can schedule the report to run daily and
> > email you the result or integrate it with your orgs single sign on
> > solution
> > This is not 'Scaffolding' - if I need to I can fall back to code in
> > Eclipse or browser based editor, but mostly its a point and click
> > exercise.   And this is just the tip of functionality iceberg.
> > My point with this is that we talk about a lot of hard core topics on
> > the Posse list and sometimes I think we're in two camps.
> > There are the those that debate the esoteric finer points of code and
> > language features which (may) make the underlying implementation of a
> > tool like force.com better - and then there are the other group (such
> > as me) working on the business problems that pay the mortgage and keep
> > the boss happy.
> > If you are looking at the best business outcome, worry less about
> > Scala vs Java, closures vs anonymous inner classes, and think at the
> > macro level.
> > On Nov 5, 10:14 am, dkhaywood <dkhayw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > On Nov 4, 6:08 pm, Rakesh <rakesh.mailgro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > need is at least 3 tables
> > > > (employee, job description and shift data)
> > > > I would like to know how some you people would tackle it with the
> > > > technologies discussed.
> > > Since you ask... I'm project lead on Apache Isis, just entered the
> > > Apache incubator, which is an implementation of the naked objects
> > > pattern (sorry, no website yet).  So, I'd use that.  And if you were
> > > a .NET shop, then I'd be using Naked Objects MVC (google for some
> > > screencasts).
> > > I nearly replied to Steven Herrod's earlier post in this thread that
> > > web frameworks need to raise the abstraction level... how about a
> > > framework where all you write is the domain classes.  That, at least,
> > > is the naked objects proposition.
> > > Dan

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