> While having a "strong Christian bias" may be true of a great many things
>> in the USA.  The norm in the UK (and the rest of Europe, to my knowledge) is
>> for organisations to be free from any religious affiliation, this is also
>> true of the Scouts.n

>  I don't know how generic your "organisations" is, anyway in Italy Scouts
> are strongly a catholic organisation.

Right, and the proximity of the Pope doesn't in any way influence this...

>> If anything, being openly Christian is the surest way to open yourself to
>> suspicions of child abuse...

>  Well, sure this statement is christianophoby... and FUD. Curious this
> originated from another consideration about tolerance and phobia :-)

It's fact that many "bible bashers" in the UK are seen with some suspicion
nowadays; Catholics are especially vulnerable to such stereotypes following
the heavily publicised instances of child abuse.

I'm not condoning or making any value judgement of such stereotypes here,
simply stating my observations.

It also didn't help the reputation of christianity by having Tony Blair
associate himself with the religion so strongly (not that he's guilty of
child abuse, unless you consider him to have abused them all by way of the
education system).

Kevin Wright

mail / gtalk / msn : kev.lee.wri...@gmail.com
pulse / skype: kev.lee.wright
twitter: @thecoda

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