On 12/09/2010 02:12 PM, Josh Berry wrote:
On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 7:29 AM, Fabrizio Giudici
<fabrizio.giud...@tidalwave.it>  wrote:
speaking in this thread. It's a well consolidated pattern: sometimes the
problem of women-in-technology appears in a blog, and all the consequential
discussions in mailing lists are carried on... only by men. Fun, right?
Well, for my part, I have zero expectations to change anything from my
contributions to the discussion.  Further, I will be far from shocked
Me too, but I'd like at least to have my mind better informed about a problem. Because if a discussion has got zero chances to change things or to inform people... well, it's pretty useless. Now, to be better informed I'd like to have at least a few female voices on the problem.

BTW, I've had a few related experiences in the past. Not as a woman, of course :-) but as a woman's project manager or such. When I was running a company, we've had a few female workers (surely a minority, but with a much higher percentage of the rest of the business). Of course, they were skilled as much as the other people we hired / employed. In some cases, we experienced some illogical resistance with some customers, often resulting in our women's professional opinions being questioned much more than the average, needing some higher-than-the average defense by means of the project manager. While I agree that there are probably genetic differences, it's true that a professional woman in our business might have to put more energy to make her point than a male workmate.

As another curious point, I must say that when I started consultancy for Sun Microsystem Educational Services in 1998, that portion of the corporate, in Italy, was mainly a women matter (from the person in charge to various other collaborators). And it worked pretty well.

Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere."
java.net/blog/fabriziogiudici - www.tidalwave.it/people

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