Male professionals test each-other in any trade, as do sports stars,
bulls, etc. and that may have something to do with a higher
testosterone level... nah scratch that, I forgot it's politically
incorrect and sexist to suggest men and women may be different. :)

On Dec 9, 5:01 pm, Scott Melton <> wrote:
> > I find it hard to believe that women would hide behind a
> > male name.
> Maybe they do not want to be verbally abused, as unlikely as that
> would
> happen. I've been reading this forum for a while now. Many of you
> would jump
> out in front of a moving train to pop another guy for misstating
> something.
> I don't think any of you would do that to a woman. At least, not with
> the same,
> uh, enthusiasm?
> If you are like the CS "professionals" I have worked with in Colorado
> and Texas,
> (for 20 years) every last one of you would fall all over yourself
> being polite and
> encouraging to a woman. That is what boys do.
> If I were a woman, hhmmm maybe I am... no, if I were a woman I'd be
> proud of that in this profession and want every guy to know it.
> Especially if I were hot.
> On Dec 9, 5:04 am, Casper Bang <> wrote:
> > Diane. Even expanding beyond this group, it's hard to come up a list
> > of public female coders. Within the Java space, Jeanette (kleopatra)
> > from Swinglabs comes to mind. Beyond the Java space it doesn't get
> > much easier. I find it hard to believe that women would hide behind a
> > male name.
> > On Dec 9, 11:45 am, "Vince O'Sullivan" <> wrote:
> > > On Dec 9, 10:26 am, Fabrizio Giudici <>
> > > wrote:
> > > > About the topic of this thread... unless I'm misreading some foreign
> > > > names, it seems there are no women in this mailing list... right?
> > > There is one, whose name escapes me at the moment.  And, of course,
> > > there's no way of knowing if any of the posters' names are real.

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