There seems to be a small 'war' between these two authors/sites/communities.
I find Mueller's articles well written, informative and (it seems) well balanced. In particular, even though he is anti-software patents (and because of that one could think he would be 'anti oracle' in this case), he manages to have an objective point of view when talking about Google's mistakes and challenges. In other words he's no 'Google fan boy' and focuses on the legal side of the case :)

Looking at his bio I think he has credibility in these matters (

I've seen him harshly criticizing Groklaw and 'PJ' a few times which may explain why these two sites don't like each other very much :)


On 06/09/2011 11:31 PM, JodaStephen wrote:
I should point out that the Florian Mueller, author of that piece, is
getting a reputation as saying headline grabbing things rather than
considered thoughtful things.

Groklaw is much more reliable on the real legal issues, and a
recommended read if you come across a Mueller piece:
"It's hilarious to read Florian "Android is Doomed" Mueller, as I now
call him, providing journalists with breathless hyperbole that this
Google filing means Google will have to pay astronomical sums. That
has the issue before the court precisely backwards. Here's a sample of
what Mueller wrote, as quoted by several journalists:"


On Jun 9, 8:32 am, Casper Bang<>  wrote:

Those who can't roll, can always become a patent troll. Oracle perhaps
you should start to innovate instead, you haven't replaced all
engineers with lawyers right?

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