On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 7:01 PM, phil swenson <phil.swen...@gmail.com>wrote:

> > Java is not broken. It has weaknesses, like most languages, but not only
> > does it get an amazingly vast array of jobs done, most people who use it
> > actually enjoy programming with it.
> Java isn't broken in the same way C isn't broken.  It's more of a PITA
> than it should be.  It's unnecessarily clunky.  But it's ubiquitous,
> so that trumps any broken-ness.
> I for one find it irritating coding in Java after spending some time
> doing Ruby or Groovy.

This is precisely my point: Java annoys you because you have programmed in
other higher level languages. Replace Ruby or Groovy with Scala, Fantom,
Gosu or whatever your language of choice is.

You need to realize that very, very few Java programmers have done that.
Most of them come from a C/C++ background and for a growing number of
developers, Java is the very first language they learned. Most of these
people don't know much else beyond it.

Also, don't make the mistake of thinking that all you need to do is expose
them to another language and they will automatically start disliking Java.
If the current trends I read today area any indication, there is at least as
many people liking Scala as people who tried it and decided it wasn't for
them. Groovy seems to be getting a bit more consistent positive reviews from
Java developers, probably because it's more focused on addressing Java's
weaknesses and sticking to that goal than Scala is.

You will receive a lot less hostility from Java programmers about Java than
you would asking C++ programmers about C++ ten or fifteen years ago (to be
fair to C++; I am assuming the animosity toward C++ is even greater today
than it was back then).


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