On 5 June 2012 20:55, Fabrizio Giudici <fabrizio.giud...@tidalwave.it>wrote:

> On Tue, 05 Jun 2012 21:48:09 +0200, Josh Berry <tae...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  It is easy to contrive the situation where you don't want something to
>> just go bang on the first error, though.   Does anyone like the
>> scenario where you get an error and fix it, only to be shown a new
>> error that could have been additionally been reported in the first
>> pass?
> It's easy to contrive that situation too, thinking of a consequentiality
> so that the second error only happens in consequence of the previous one,
> or it will happen only after you fix the previous one :-)

Sure, we see it all the time when compiling code.  Doesn't stop we wanting
to see more than one error when it fails though :)

But I'd say that both examples are inappropriate. The point is that I want
> perhaps something that processes the batch up to the end, then I go to the
> log file and see the NPE where they happened, versus the fact that I have a
> result set which is apparently ok, but now I have to dig into it to 1)
> search for errors and then 2) rebuild the sequence of things that happened
> back to the error.

Which is where you'd use `Either`.  Errors can still be propagated up the
call stack through `Left` instances, but in a deterministic way that
doesn't bail out in the middle of a long-running process.

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