"Look, I get it, Microsoft were a$$es in the past and you can of course 
spread all the FUD you want on your very own podcast - but realize that it 
makes you sound like old grumpy men with an agenda"

C# was never meant as a platform agnostic language that competed on its 
merit and could be mixed and matched into any tool chain. So you shouldn't 
expect people to judge it as such and dismiss Microsoft-phobia as 
irrelevant brand preference. C# was made as the Microsoft language you use 
when you want to work with predominantly Microsoft technologies. If people 
are trying to stay out of that all-Microsoft, Microsoft-everywhere space, 
it follows logically that they avoid C#. Also, there are plenty of options 
for a more platform agnostic mix & match Java++ language.

Mono's main mission seems to be championing Microsoft technologies and 
standards with product innovation and quality serving as a means to that 
end. So for people who are resistant to that style of Microsoft fanaticism 
and want to avoid an all-Microsoft, Microsoft-everywhere, avoid Mono is 

Oracle may or may not be "nice", I don't feel qualified to make that 
judgement, but I feel that I can use Java and work within the JVM ecosystem 
and still retain a high level of technology freedom and autonomy. The JVM 
ecosystem has a very decentralized nature. It's the norm to use a dozen 
different JVM technologies in a single tool stack that are each developed 
by completely unrelated people who don't work for any common organization.

The Microsoft tool ecosystem is completely centralized and all-Microsoft 
and that's precisely what the Microsoft dev community loves: it's simpler, 
there is less to learn, there is less time wasted debating about 
infrastructure, infrastructure integration is more polished, and technical 
staff is more standardized and interchangeable. Lots of companies adopt 
all-Microsoft approaches: you can use whatever technology, OS, IDE, 
programming language, database, and web framework that you want as long as 
it's Microsoft. And if that's what makes them happy, that's great for them. 
But I understand those that find that all-Microsoft, Microsoft-everywhere 
strategy oppressive and resent it.

Something like Python, may be a dictatorship, but it isn't tied to this 
giant ecosystem of everything Python. You can mix/match Python with 
whatever other technologies you prefer, so there is generally little 
resentment towards it.

Additionally, I relistened to the Mono discussion, and it didn't seem 
emotionally charged at all or heavy handed or unreasonable in the slightest.

"If we have learned anything from Java, it is that a cross-platform UI 
toolkit just doesn't cut it - it will always be the hunt for the lowest 
common denominator, which is low enough to make crap on all platform"

Tor was saying this. I really think it depends on the app. For some apps, I 
absolutely agree. For example, for the typical photo-sharing app, the 
advantage of being written directly to the platform's native GUI system is 
important. For something like IntelliJ, I think a cross platform GUI like 
Swing is best. I can't imagine the IntelliJ guys building separate 
Mac/Cocoa, Windows/WPF, and Linux/GTK versions. The thought is ridiculous. 
Also, some apps work better on cross platform HTML/JS.

Casper, why don't you just get an all-Microsoft job? I can understand the 
bitter Scala or Haskell enthusiast because it's rare to find an employer 
who will pay for that type of work, but Microsoft technologies dominate the 
traditional paid job space.

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