>Hello All
I have JAWS 8 and for some reason when I am in save or find 
dialogues, Jaws reads the entire word I type but not character by 
character, which makes it difficult to make corrections. My sighted 
husband said he can see the cursor moving but Jaws will not read 
the  character where the cursor is. This is a new problem I did not 
have before with earlier Jaws versions. I went to the verbosity 
dialogue and turned different options on and off but nothing worked. 
I tried the configuration manager as well and without success. Any 
idea what the cause may be? I have also checked the regional and 
language settings in the control panel and made sure everything is 
set to English U.S. Anything else I can try?

Thanks a lot and Merry Christmas and happy New Year     ,

Samira Farwaneh
Assistant Professor, Arabic Language and Linguistics
Department of Near Eastern Studies
Department of Linguistics
Second Language Acquisition and Teaching Program

Louise Foucar Marshall Building
845 N Park Avenue, Room 440;  PO BOX 210158B
University of Arizona;  Tucson, Arizona  85721-0158B

Phone: (520) 621-8629 Or 621-8012
Fax: (520) 621-2333 

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