$765 for a monitor? Do you live in the USA, because I can get the highest end model for around $300 and that is for a 20 inch. The only one I have seen at that price is built for Mac's. By the way does a blind person need such monitor power? Would a adverage flat screen monitor do? Now as far as the ram. I have always said the more the better, but if you can only get so much then that is what you work with. Never let your computer leave you penny less. And now the harddrive, it can be any size desired. Have seen windows7 on as low as a 250 gig drive do very well and even a 64 gig ssd. So that part is user choice.

At 09:44 PM 6/25/2010, you wrote:
I don't mean to be mean or anything, but were you looking at the same
computer I was?

If I'm not mistaken, the information said that the computer had a 320 GB
hard drive, unless I read it incorrectly.

It also had 2 GB of RAM.

This computer is going to be running Windows 7 64 bit edition, with an NVDIA
Video card.  The least you want to get in that case is at least 4 Gigs of
RAM, and the hard drive should be at least 500 gigs.

If you're paying more than 250 for that computer, I'm afraid you're getting
ripped off.

Computer with a lot more than that are selling for 350 and 450 dollars
without a monitor, which, if you're blind, should not need one, so the
monitor should be a luxury, and besides, you can pick up a good monitor for
765 dollars, flat screen and all.

In any case, when shopping for a computer, don't settle for the computer
that seems to be the best price out there, because, like a car, the price
tag might be great, but what's under the hood may not be.


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