Hello Steve,

I don't know where you are shopping, but where ever it is, stop shopping 
there immediately, you're getting very ripped off.  Grins.

Have you actually tried to run Jaws 11 on a windows 7 system with only 2 
gigs or RAM?

I mean, have you actually physically tried it, or are you going on the basis 
of supposition and assumption?

The fact is, I've used computers running Windows 7 and Jaws 11 with only 2 
gigs of RAM, please believe me, unless I was only running those two pieces 
of software, those being the OS and the screen reader, everything would 
indeed be fine, but load any other piece of software in addition to that, 
and things would start to lag dramatically.

As for the solid state drives being on 160, you're nuts.

One can get a netbook with a 10 inch screen, and a 250 gig solid state drive 
for 799, and that is running the latest and greatest software.  I've seen 
it, and had a chance to play with it at the store where I saw it, so please, 
don't assume to speak for the entire population, because you most assuredly 
are not the entire population of the world, so you couldn't possibly speak 
for everyone.


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