Port 587 might be what Uverse uses these days. Where this nasty block rears
its head is when you are trying to use your own domain like I like to do, as
I've moved more often than I wanted to switch email boxes, but getting that
enabled for port 587 lets me use the server associated with it like things
were meant to work. With that SPF stuff in place on a lot of domains, if one
tried to use the provider's server, mail could be rejected out right as
Uverse or Charter and that domain don't agree on what the authorized sender
----- Original Message -----
From: "Vicky Horstman, Votech Rehab" <vi...@votechrehab.com>
To: <jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2012 10:43 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Important - Email Issue with Outlook Express
By default AT&T Uverse blocks SMTP. Call them and ask if they've blocked
your SMTP, if so ask them to unblock.
I recently dealt with this same issue when I made the switch at my office.
Once I had them on the line, it took a matter of minutes to resolve. Hope
this helps!
Vicky R Horstman, President
Votech Rehab LLC
Cell: (812) 305-0903
Office: (812) 618-2253
Sent from iPhone. Please excuse and ignore any typos.
On Apr 8, 2012, at 7:30 PM, RICHARD HAMEL <rcha...@bellsouth.net> wrote:
I have XP home and 13.
Yesterday, I had Uverse, through AT&T, installed. They gave a new modem
and router.
Since then, I am unable to send messages through O E.
I receive messages okay, and everything else with the computer seems to
work well.
When I am on the internet, and access my e mail, I am able to send
messages that way.
After talking to tech support at Uverse, I was told that my O E needs to
be configured to work with Uverse.
I’ve gone through the settings in O E for accounts/properties/etc.
The only change that seemed major was increasing the speed in the “port”
section for outgoing messages to 587.
I also have a second computer that is working on wifi, and I now have
the same, “send” issue.
Are there any other settings I need to change?
Or, does anyone have suggestions on how to configure O E with Uverse?
On the same topic, if I were to change to Outlook,what should I be aware
of? Is it an easy upgrade and would it work better with future computer
What would I need to do to transition from O E to Outlook?
And, would this be a good thing to do since, O E seems to be less
compatible with upcoming technology?
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