Hi Jorge,
You were asking me why can't I scan for viruses from desktop?
I use Microsoft Security Essentials and I find that the full scan process of 
this antivirus program is just too sluggish for my liking anyway.
When you are in Safe Mode, if I understand this correctly, scanning for viruses 
in safe mode is much quicker.
I would also like to add that Safe Mode is a good place to be if you are trying 
to rectify any problems you may be having on your computer. I know from 
experience that the technicians at the computer store, where I take my computer 
to for fixing, use safe mode to do their work.
So here's a thought for all of you listers.
For those of us, who are on limited financial income, if we knew how to go into 
safe mode at home, and even with sighted help, could fix our own computers 
ourselves and still have that computer store money in our pockets.
Thanks again for your help.
Take care,
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