A good side effect of this dependency should be that one can disable JSR
monitoring for a deployment if a dependency on the JSR mbeans is not
specified. The JSR77 stuff is by definition very J2EE specific and we know
this is not what the base framework is about.

With regard to virtual hosts, are you saying I need a JSR77 mbean config
to enable scoping? This should not be if you are. I would suggest having
a Domain mbean that contains one or more VirtualHost mbeans and the
J2EEServer model implementation would be associated with a VirtualHost

> hmmm, my idea may be half baked, I was thinking of using the jsr mbeans as
> something for non-jsr mbeans to wait for rather than vice-versa.
> Well, here's an idea, I've been wondering how to specify that an
> application component should be deployed into a particular scope or
> virtual host.  Perhaps as part of jboss-specific deployment descriptors it
> would be possible to specify as part of the jsr-mbean config representing
> the application piece what scope it belongs to and if it is depending on
> other mbeans?  If this was not supplied the default would be its own scope
> and no dependencies.
> david jencks
> >

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