so i ran the idea by the class,

deploy1/2/3 zero votes
000-999mywathever.xar:11 votes
deploy.order: 9 votes

some just don't give a hoot

ok the deploy.order was a good idea given by a sweedish guy sitting at the
back of the class, it goes like this, put a deploy.order that specifies the
order in which you deploy the files, it means that you put for example

I kind of liked it, since it means you can put additional information, but
sacha pointed out you can also put a order.readme file and be done with
this, with the drawbacks that you could actually mess up the names easily
(bound to happen) and that you needed multiple deploy.order files to get at
the same result if you went for dynamic deployments.

so the 000-999.xar idea is the one, if someone wants to do it go ahead....

if not i think we should put this for the final release...


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