>deploy1/2/3 zero votes
>000-999mywathever.xar:11 votes
>deploy.order: 9 votes
>some just don't give a hoot
>ok the deploy.order was a good idea given by a sweedish guy sitting at the
>back of the class, it goes like this, put a deploy.order that specifies the
>order in which you deploy the files, it means that you put for example

This is the same as explicitly listing your deployment urls... which if 
you don't specify a file:// directory url the order is as you list it. 
 It is only when listing from a directory which causes this 
dependency/order problem.

>I kind of liked it, since it means you can put additional information, but
>sacha pointed out you can also put a order.readme file and be done with
>this, with the drawbacks that you could actually mess up the names easily
>(bound to happen) and that you needed multiple deploy.order files to get at
>the same result if you went for dynamic deployments.
>so the 000-999.xar idea is the one, if someone wants to do it go ahead....

I still think this is a really bad idea.

We have a half functional dependency system... so rather than fix is, we 
artificially force users to number there deployments, or staticly list 
the urls to deploy.

How does that make the JBoss deployment system easy?  One of the big 
features of JBoss is easy deployment... which this just basically tosses 
out the window.  The instructions for deployment go from :

"copy to deploy/"


"copy to deploy/, make sure that the file name is prefixed with a number 
such that it is larger than all dependency deployments and lower than 
other deployments which depend on it.  If you are not sure what the 
dependencys are then trial and error... or go look through each 
deplopment descriptor and...".

Why not just put the simple sorting bits back in UDS until the 
dependency issue can be resolved?


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