But don't you think some sort of ordering (like what was there before Jason
removed it) should be implicit?

Datasources specified in .xml files should be deployed before any
EAR/WAR/JAR files, don't you think?

That seems like a common/simple scenario and I don't think a user with that
basic of a dependency should be required to specially number their
deployment files... Though I don't think requiring it for more complex
deployment order is a big deal...

> From: "Bill Burke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 13:37:25 -0500
> Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] deploy: the votes are in
> This also greatly simplifies the code right?  Just sort the directory and
> you have your ordering.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Chris
>> Harris
>> Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 1:31 PM
>> Subject: Re: [JBoss-dev] deploy: the votes are in
>> I don't think there was any intention of forcing people to
>> rename their files. The point is that if you need an
>> explicit ordering this is the easiest way for the user to
>> do it. If you don't need ordering then call it anything you
>> want. So deployment order is something like
>> all xxxMyName.[j|s|w|e|r]ar/xml files
>> all anyothernameinanyorder.[j|s|w|e|r]ar/xml files
>> (apologies for syntax!)
>> So this way you can specify stuff which absolutely has to
>> go first and, if you don't care when it gets deployed, then
>> name it whatever you like and it gets deployed after the
>> ones that need to be first.
>> (disclaimer: I was at the London training and I did vote
>> for the numbering solution)
>> c
>>  --- David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I'm with Jason on this one.  I think asking people to
>>> change their file
>>> names to ensure deploy order is ludicrous.  As I recall,
>>> the unix sysv
>>> numbering is all on symlinks, not the scripts/whatever
>>> themselves.
>>> david jencks
>>> On 2002.03.14 18:18:46 -0500 Jason Dillon wrote:
>>>>> deploy1/2/3 zero votes
>>>>> 000-999mywathever.xar:11 votes
>>>>> deploy.order: 9 votes
>>>>> some just don't give a hoot
>>>>> ok the deploy.order was a good idea given by a
>>> sweedish guy sitting at
>>>> the
>>>>> back of the class, it goes like this, put a
>>> deploy.order that specifies
>>>> the
>>>>> order in which you deploy the files, it means that you
>>> put for example
>>>>> <deploy-order>
>>>>> the-first-file.xar
>>>>> the-second-file.xar
>>>>> </deploy-order>
>>>> This is the same as explicitly listing your deployment
>>> urls... which if
>>>> you don't specify a file:// directory url the order is
>>> as you list it.
>>>>  It is only when listing from a directory which causes
>>> this
>>>> dependency/order problem.
>>>>> I kind of liked it, since it means you can put
>>> additional information,
>>>> but
>>>>> sacha pointed out you can also put a order.readme file
>>> and be done with
>>>>> this, with the drawbacks that you could actually mess
>>> up the names
>>>> easily
>>>>> (bound to happen) and that you needed multiple
>>> deploy.order files to get
>>>> at
>>>>> the same result if you went for dynamic deployments.
>>>>> so the 000-999.xar idea is the one, if someone wants
>>> to do it go
>>>> ahead....
>>>> I still think this is a really bad idea.
>>>> We have a half functional dependency system... so
>>> rather than fix is, we
>>>> artificially force users to number there deployments,
>>> or staticly list
>>>> the urls to deploy.
>>>> How does that make the JBoss deployment system easy?
>>> One of the big
>>>> features of JBoss is easy deployment... which this just
>>> basically tosses
>>>> out the window.  The instructions for deployment go
>>> from :
>>>> "copy to deploy/"
>>>> to
>>>> "copy to deploy/, make sure that the file name is
>>> prefixed with a number
>>>> such that it is larger than all dependency deployments
>>> and lower than
>>>> other deployments which depend on it.  If you are not
>>> sure what the
>>>> dependencys are then trial and error... or go look
>>> through each
>>>> deplopment descriptor and...".
>>>> Why not just put the simple sorting bits back in UDS
>>> until the
>>>> dependency issue can be resolved?
>>>> --jason
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