>I don't think so. Implement one or the other but supporting both is
>going to be a nightmare from a maintenance standpoint. Imagine a user
>using the numbered order in a directory configuration. *shiver*

So, my point was to fix the system such that neither is needed for 
deployment to function correctly.  Let users complicate there deployment 
environment as needed, but don't force the system into one flavor or 

>Alternative: make it pluggable and support EITHER the one OR the other
>but not both. And leave the ability of the user just dropping an
>arbitrarily named [j|e|w|s]ar file into deploy/ w/o thinking about
>dependencies. This is still one of my top-10 favorite features from
>JBoss: just drop the archive into deploy/ and *boom* you're up and

Yes, but I don't believe that any of  this should be needed, thus I 
don't want to spend much time writting a pluggable system to handle it.

I am confident that we can get the system internals to cope with these 
dependency issues... its just a matter of time.

>As Marc points out repeatedly: KISS. Giving a choice of two methods is
>going to lead into problems sooner or later. My personal vote would be
>for a "ordered by number" solution as you can quickly see the order of
>deployment by just typing 'ls' or 'dir' instead of having to watch N
>separate directories.

This would be the simplest to implement, perhaps even a non-op depending 
on how File.list() works by default.  Unfortunatly I don't think this is 
simple for users to comprehend and maintain.  Plus, I think that if we 
do change the deployment configuration for 3.0, then users might expect 
it to stick around... and I really don't think we want either of the two 
major options long term.

Better to just hack the system asis and make it transparent for now.


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