Hi All...

We have been working to install jBoss 2.2.1 on a Debian/Linux system. In a 
Debian system, app servers with no package management are best installed 
under usr/local/share.

For security reasons, applications running from there should not be able to 
write and data in that tree. This is to prevent various exploits from 
changing the program code and doing other things.

Typically, data from apps installed under usr/local/share is written under 
/var but binary executables are not.

We attempted to configure the jBoss/Tomcat 2.2.1 bundle so that anywhere 
jBoss or Tomcat had to write was in a directory below /var while jBoss was 
installed below /usr, but no luck. We were not sure is this is possible. We 
did review the mail list and the docs. As near as we can tell, inthe case 
of jBoss, it writes to /log and /tmp. Anywhere else?

Any hints?



I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

- Robert Frost, 1916

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