Jim Archer wrote:
> We attempted to configure the jBoss/Tomcat 2.2.1 bundle 
> so that anywhere jBoss or Tomcat had to write was in a 
> directory below /var while jBoss was  installed below 
> /usr, but no luck. We were not sure is this is possible. 
> We did review the mail list and the docs. As near as we 
> can tell, inthe case  of jBoss, it writes to /log and 
> /tmp. Anywhere else?

I'm trying to do the same with jboss/jetty on my debian systems.
Maybe we could put our heads together to come up with an
acceptable way to administer jboss in a unix environment.  I'd
contribute some docs if we can come up with something.

I started by making a user "jboss" with a /bin/false shell,
thinking that I'd be able to limit the container's write access.
That was ill-concieved, of course, because port 80 is privileged.

[Jetty] java.net.BindException: Permission denied

So then I have to run as root, making sure that most of
the files are

  -r--r--r--   root root 

...except for $JBOSS_HOME/log, $JBOSS_HOME/tmp, and  
$JBOSS_HOME/conf/<name>/jboss-auto.jcml  (and possibly 
others we haven't yet discovered?)  that JBoss needs to 
write to -- which should be 

  -rw-r--r--  root root

Is that basically what you had to do Jim?

There are other issues, such as the document root which
one may want writeable by some www-data group, and perhaps
a servlet directory that developers can write to on a
shared developer box.

Another piece of the puzzle is a sysvinit script that
responds to start, stop, and restart -- and does the right

I suppose another way to make this less ugly would be to figure
out how to run Tomcat/JBoss in the same process where Tomcat
is using Apache as the request handler through mod_jk.  I 
haven't seen anybody report success with this, but it would
be nice since Apache, unlike a 100% java solution, doesn't 
have problems calling setuid after being started as root, and 
so the servlet/ejb container could run as a regular user.

Is there anybody out there thinking about these issues?
Maybe this is not so difficult as I'm making it out to be?

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