Jonas Bergström wrote:

>>Since you have a reference to objects that have a reference to the old
>>versions of the classes, the old versions of the classes can't be
> I don't quite understand. Method invocations through the remote references
> goes through the container, right, and I thought the container would handle
> things such as ejb-redeployment?

You have a good point, but stubs you have in the client have a remote 
reference to the server-side invoker. What JBoss does on redeploy of a 
bean is it discards the old invoker stack and creates a new one. This 
allows any requests that are being processed to complete normally, and 
subsequent requests pick up the new one.

>>Have you tried this with a full .ear deployment? (from below I assume
>>that you're deploying the servlet and EJBs separately) .ear deployment
>>should work. This would be the answer for production.
> All my beans are deployed in separate .ear files, and the servlet as well.
> Do you mean that I should deploy all ejbs and servlets in the same .ear?
> That would really destroy my build process, which only redeploys ejbs and
> servlets that have changed.

you definately want to go with a single .ear for your application in 
production and final testing. That should make for easier management and 
will also enable optimized calls (no copying of method parameters).

Yes, for development that might not be best.

Perhaps as a work-around, set an environment property to indicate to 
your servlets that they're in development mode, and in this case don't 
cache the bean references?


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