On Wed, 24 Oct 2001, David Jencks wrote:

> So, my question is, what do you gain by having a dispatcher?  It seems to
> me that most or all of the time it will be computing dynamically what is
> set up statically in its absence.  What kind of computations could it do to
> determine the next task that would not be more appropriate in one of the
> tasks? (the result of this computation by the task would be the selection
> of the output queue). I could easily be missing the point, but I don't get
> it yet.

most likely scenario is that I'm thinking within my experience, and what
you are suggesting is probably a better way to do it... time for me to do
some more reading I think (o:

remember I did start my initial post by stating that I was playing
catchup as far as MOM architectures were concerned (o:

cheers, and thanks

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