I reported what I thought was a CMP performance problem
a few days ago. Many of you responded with helpful ideas.

In the process I have learned quite a bit, mostly how
to use CMP *more* properly. This newbie still has more
to learn. I thought I'd pass along what I found out.

First, if you are a newbie and having problems (like I was)
understanding the *costs* of using CMP, as an exercise,
convert a CMP entity bean to BMP. I now understand
more of what goes on when using CMP.

To solve my performance problem, I started using a
stateless session bean doing a database query directly.
All I was trying to do was take a snapshot of the contents
of a single table and present it in a browser using JSP.
Managing persistency was overkill. In doing this, I changed
a process from 2500 milliseconds to 2. That's 1000 times
faster. All because I didn't really believe that session beans
really can be efficient. I also used the ValueObject approach
as James Hicks had suggested. That also help quite a bit.

Thanks to all who helped.

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