On Fri, Nov 16, 2001 at 09:28:51AM -0600, danch wrote:
> Jozsa Kristof wrote:
> >I'm developing my own Cocoon project in a bundled JBoss+Catalina on linux.
> >I've found out, that during development, after 6-8 deployment of my project
> >WAR file, jboss drops a nasty out of memory exception.
> This is probably a thread problem - if you look at the message within 
> the exception, it's trying to create a thread.
> >Now, I have two questions regarding this: isn't that caused by a memory 
> >leak
> >in JBoss (as I'm re-deploying basically the same file over and over, really
> >only a few bytes changes or increases every time); and why JBoss wont use
> >more memory if I still have system resources available? 
> What's (most likely) happening is your running out of process table 
> entries for the user JBoss is running as. There _may_ be a thread leak 
> associated with deployment, but this problem also seams worse with 
> certain JDKs (I believe that the 1.3.1 beta from sun was particularly 
> bad). Which JDK are you using?

IBM JDK 1.3.0, as this gives me about twice the speed comparing to Sun's one
under Linux.

> The only way to obliterate this problem once and for all is to switch to 
> the recently released alternate pthread implementation from IBM, which 
> implements an N to M mapping from user threads to kernel threads (so 
> that ~200 java threads will map to ~200 pthreads, but only to a very few 
> kernel threads, which is where the limit is). I posted the link to this 
> library a few months ago on this list and I'd really like someone to try 
> it for me and let me know how it goes ;8^})

Okay, can you please give me the URL (or maybe your mail's subject to look
it up)? I'm willing to test it out and share the results with you, with this
list, or anyone.. :)


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