On 14 Mar, Stephen Davidson wrote:
> Hi Peter.
> Ok, I have figured this part of it out.  Btw, the queue connection did not like the 
>qcon.start() call in the snippet (see stack trace).  I guess 
> that is an Orion specific thing.  I now have the Message Queue working, finally 
> What I currently have an issue with is the queue name.  In the jboss.xml file 
>(attached), the destination JNDI name is
> "/com/hrnexus/CustSetupQueue".  If it was just "com/hrnexus/CustSetupQueue", the 
>"com" gets dropped.
> And why is "queue" being prepended to the JNDI name.  For the Servlets/EJB's to 
>access these queues, they must look up 
> "queue/com/hrnexus/CustSetupQueue".  If this is desired behaviour, than this needs 
>to be documented in BOLD.  Otherwise, newbies like me are going 
> to get tripped up many times.
> Thanks,
> Steve

I would say that this is pretty well documented in the free JMS doc on
jboss.org. This was the most common quetsion before, but has in
principal ;-) vanished as a beginners question.

Please, in the future, use the JMS forum on JBoss to ask your questions.

> <==Begin log excerpt===>
> 12:31:56,674 INFO  [STDOUT] QConnectionManager.init: Username/password = 
> 12:31:56,675 INFO  [XAConnectionManager] Got a subject: null
> 12:31:56,681 DEBUG [JBossMQProvider] no provider url; connecting to local JNDI
> 12:31:56,682 DEBUG [JBossMQProvider] created context: 
> 12:31:56,683 DEBUG [ConnectionFactoryHelper] using connection factory: 
> 12:31:56,684 DEBUG [ConnectionFactoryHelper] using username/password: hrnexus/hrnexus
> 12:31:56,686 DEBUG [GenericConnectionFactory] Handing out ClientIL: 
> 12:31:56,686 DEBUG [ConnectionFactoryHelper] created XAQueueConnection: 
> 12:31:56,687 DEBUG [JmsManagedConnection] created connection: 
> 12:31:56,689 DEBUG [JmsManagedConnection] xaQueueSession: 
> 12:31:56,689 DEBUG [JmsManagedConnection] queueSession: 
> 12:31:56,690 DEBUG [JmsManagedConnection] transacted: true
> 12:31:56,690 DEBUG [JmsManagedConnection] ack mode: 1
> 12:31:56,691 DEBUG [JmsManagedConnection] Leaving out XAResource
> 12:31:56,692 DEBUG [JmsManagedConnection] ConnectionEvent listener added: 
> 12:31:56,715 DEBUG [SpyDestinationObjectFactory] 
> 12:31:56,716 INFO  [STDOUT] QConnectionManager.init: ConnectionFactory
> 12:31:56,717 INFO  [STDOUT] 
> 12:31:56,717 INFO  [STDOUT] QConnectionManager.init: Connection
> 12:31:56,718 INFO  [STDOUT] 
> 12:31:56,718 INFO  [STDOUT] QConnectionManager.init: Session
> 12:31:56,719 INFO  [STDOUT] org.jboss.resource.adapter.jms.JmsSession@790581
> 12:31:56,720 INFO  [STDOUT] QConnectionManager.init: Sucessfully Connected to 
> 12:31:56,720 INFO  [STDOUT] QConnectionManager.init: Details are
> 12:31:56,721 INFO  [STDOUT] QUEUE.com/hrnexus/RFPReleaseQueue
> 12:31:57,077 WARN  [Jetty] WARNING: CustomerStatusMgmtServlet: HRXFeatureServlet 
> java.rmi.ServerException: null
> Embedded Exception
> This method is not applicatable in JMS resource adapter; nested exception is:
>           javax.ejb.EJBException: null
> Embedded Exception
> This method is not applicatable in JMS resource adapter
> javax.ejb.EJBException: null
> Embedded Exception
> This method is not applicatable in JMS resource adapter
>           at 
>           at 
> Peter Antman wrote:
>  > Hi, if you have done no other changes to the JBoss setup this would
>  > require that the user named "user" with the password hrnexus is in
>  > jboss-state.xml. It should look something like this (from
>  > server/default/conf in current build):
>  >
>  > <StateManager>
>  >    <Users>
>  >            <User>
>  >                    <Name>john</Name>
>  >                    <Password>needle</Password>
>  >                    <Id>DurableSubscriberExample</Id>
>  >            </User>
>  >            <User>
>  >                    <Name>guest</Name>
>  >                    <Password>guest</Password>
>  >            </User>
>  >            <User>
>  >                    <Name>nobody</Name>
>  >                    <Password>nobody</Password>
>  >            </User>
>  >            <User>
>  >                    <Name>dynsub</Name>
>  >                    <Password>dynsub</Password>
>  >            </User>
>  >            <!-- Your user added -->
>  >            <User>
>  >                    <Name>user</Name>
>  >                    <Password>hrnexus</Password>
>  >            </User>
>  >    </Users>
>  >
>  > Depending on your restrictions on the destinations the user must belongs
>  > to a role having the correct access rights to the destination. By
>  > default guest have read and write access:
>  >
>  >    <Roles>
>  >            <Role name="guest">
>  >                    <UserName>guest</UserName>
>  >                    <UserName>john</UserName>
>  >                    <!-- you user added -->
>  >                    <UserName>user</UserName>
>  >            </Role>
>  >
>  > If you have reconfigured the security domian jbossmq in auth.conf to use
>  > your own user storage you will have to check that all setups are really
>  > done correct.
>  >
>  > Remember that it is now actually possible to dynamically manage users
>  > and roles from the HTML Mbean interface to the DynamicStateManager
>  > (remember to invoke saveConf() to persist the changes.
>  >
>  > //Peter
>  > On 13 Mar, Stephen Davidson wrote:
>  >
>  >>Hi Peter.
>  >>
>  >>Ok, I have figure out how to turn on tracing and debugging.  Attached is the code 
>I am using to get the connection, plus the log with trace & debug
>  >>turned on.
>  >>
>  >>Suggetions on where to look or what needs to be set?
>  >>
>  >>-Steve
>  >>
>  >><===Begin Code Snippet===>
>  >>     private void init( Context ctx, String queueName, ParameterProcessor
>  >>params )
>  >>         throws NamingException, JMSException
>  >>     {
>  >>//      if ( DEBUG )
>  >>//         getQueuesTopics( (InitialContext) ctx );
>  >>                //This currently sets password = "hrnexus"
>  >>        final String password = params.get(WEB_USER_PASSWORD);
>  >>
>  >>      //SPDBUG: Factory has been moved....
>  >>//      qconFactory = (QueueConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup(JMS_FACTORY);
>  >>        qconFactory = (QueueConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup("java:/JmsXA");
>  >>        qcon = qconFactory.createQueueConnection(USER, password);
>  >>        qsession = qcon.createQueueSession(transacted,
>  >>        queue = (Queue) ctx.lookup( queueName );
>  >>        if ( DEBUG )
>  >>        {
>  >>           System.out.print("QConnectionManager.init: ConnectionFactory ");
>  >>           System.out.println(qconFactory.toString());
>  >>           System.out.print("QConnectionManager.init: Connection ");
>  >>           System.out.println(qcon.toString());
>  >>           System.out.print("QConnectionManager.init: Session ");
>  >>           System.out.println(qsession.toString());
>  >>
>  >>           if ( queue == null )
>  >>              System.out.println( "Connection Failed.");
>  >>           else
>  >>           {
>  >>              System.out.println( "QConnectionManager.init: Sucessfully
>  >>Connected to " + queueName );
>  >>              System.out.println( "QConnectionManager.init: Details are" );
>  >>              System.out.println( queue.toString() );
>  >>           }
>  >>        }
>  >>        qsender = qsession.createSender(queue);
>  >>        qcon.start();
>  >>     }
>  >>

Peter Antman    Chief Systems Architect, Business Development
Technology in Media, Box 34105 100 26 Stockholm
WWW: http://www.tim.se  WWW: http://www.backsource.org
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]        
Phone: +46-(0)8-506 381 11 Mobile: 070-675 3942 

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