Hi all.
I've posted weeks ago explaining my problem, but got no response.
My problem is that when i start JBoss 2.4.8 and 2.4.9 WITHOUT doing any
configuration changes, it says

WARN,XAConnectionFactory] XAConnectionImpl:
org.jboss.pool.jdbc.xa.wrapper.XAConnectionImpl@53c375 has no current tx!

when he tries to create a pool for the example DB Hypersonic
I've tried to configure my own datasource, but when i try to get a new
connection from the pool, it always returns the same connection, also if
i've set the MaxSize to 30 (and MinSize to 0).
The problem is solved if i use my JBoss 2.4.4 server.
I've read all the config files, but them are perfectly EQUALS, so i think i
can't do more to solve my problem.
Is this a BUG in JBoss 2.4.8+ or not? and if yes, is there any possibilities
it can be solved? Someone has a "workaround".
Maybe you can say "use JBoss 3.0+". OK, but where can i find some
informations about the migration? i know it's not simple.
Tx all

Giorgio Ponza

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