Would this allow JBossQL be used in an ad-hoc manner?  So you could use
it in a very similar way to JDBC, but in the EJB domain rather than the
database domain?

A simple solution might be to have a JBossQL -> Native SQL convertor, so
you can use the standard JDBC functionality provided by your database,
but write your queries in JBossQL.  I expect this functionality must
already exist somewhere.

On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 19:10, Dain Sundstrom wrote:
> Pete,
> To better support complex reporting we just need to add more features to 
> JBossQL select statements (e.g., group by, having, sub queries, and 
> multiple fields in the select clause).  I plan on adding most of these 
> features.  It would be cool if sun added this stuff, but I find it 
> incredibly unlikely.
> What Michael is proposing is adding INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE 
> statements to JBossQL.  This is a very cool idea and I hope he spends 
> some time designing a grammar.  Once we have a grammar the 
> implementation should be fairly easy.
> -dain

Peter Beck BEng (hons)  - Managing Director, Electrostrata Ltd.
http://www.electrostrata.com  --+-+--  Experts in e-business and

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