I think the confusion arises where people people assume EJB's were
designed for object persistance.

They weren't, and in fact the persistance stuff was probably added more
as an afterthought than anything.

The technology emerged at the time where distributed object frameworks
like CORBA and DCOM were getting trendy.  Java already had RMI, but
Microsoft was adding MTS features to DCOM and CORBA had all those bolt
on services.
Hence the java community received EJB, the java equivalent of the fusion
of ideas that were being developed at the time.

EJB's were *never* designed for fine grained access to a relational

The vision of a EJB was a server side component that behaved in an
object oriented way, but had clever things like pooling and transactions
thrown at it so that the server could potentially handle millions of
concurrent users.

However, as CMP was the only standard that offered a way of doing O/R
mapping, naturally a lot of people started using it for this job.

Now we have JDO which is a technology specifically designed to map
between java code and persistence engines.  It doesn't do anything
else.  That makes it potentially much more efficient at the job and
enables java programmers more freedom with things like inheritance.

So why use JDO's?  They are lightweight, they are designed for the
problem you are trying to solve, they have an AOP like philosophy and
the integrate nicely with OO inheritance.  I struggled with this
question for some time and tried to find reasons why *not* to use JDO
over CMP, but I couldn't find any.

Unless of course you consider that JDO is not yet as mature as CMP and
the open source projects supporting JDO are still a little thin on the

On Thu, 2003-07-03 at 08:27, Ionel Gardais wrote:
> Hi,
> I was already wondering why to use JDO when someone is already using 
> EJBs. This feature confuses me more !
> Make a POJO persistant archieve the same goal as an Entity bean ? so why 
> bother : I do not see any other advantages than the speed of 
> developpement (no EJB overhead, just POJO).
> Back to a more technical question : to make something persistent, you 
> should define a way to store it in a secure place. To work at a field 
> level (for the queries for example), you should store the object's 
> fields in an independant way.
> Question is : what storage layer to use and where to declare all this 
> (fields mapping and relative stuff)?
> I guess a database is the layer and a config file does the mapping (the 
> page that is still under construction) but (database + mapping 
> configuration files) = ejb ...
> Ionel
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