
Input appreciated and respected, however I think to help Peter we need to keep off the performance bunny hole. He never said performance was his problem.

As a side note, you're right: what you tested (startup time) was far from a valid performance benchmark. JVMs intended to boost server performance don't try to be fast for startup times (if you want that, use the -client jvm option, not -server). They care more about being fast for things servers care about after they're already up and running - like handling multiple threads quickly, optimizing server hotspots like network connections, and effective memory management of large heaps under load, etc. Besides, I take benchmarks with a grain of salt - each custom app does different things, and thus it's impossible that a generic benchmark is going to tell you what you really need to know - how does tool A stack up against tool B with YOUR application...

Oh shoot, now you got me goin' down the bunny hole. Seriously, Peter - my guess is you've either got a resource leak or an inappropriate resource configuration. Start by looking at file descriptors.

Just my 2 cents (again),

Rod Macpherson escribió:

Downloaded JRockit and launched a large J2EE application in debug mode. JBoss started in 1:24. Using Sun's JDK 1.4 JVM the same application started in 1:32. I would call that a noise-level improvement given JRockit is a commercial product focused on performance. Not a valid benchmark but then if your compiled code is really all that you would expect to see more than a fraction of 1% improvement. Conclusion: JRockit is not worth the disk space it's sitting on:)

-----Original Message----- From: David Ward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thu 12/4/2003 6:28 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] JBoss On Linux

        I've read others' responses to your problems, and they all seem to be
        addressing the wrong thing: performance.  What you describe does not
        sound like a performance problem (neither of speed nor memory
        management).  You never said the app was slow, so why do you care about
        "SPECjAppServer2002 benchmarks" and the like?
        It sounds more like a resource leak to me, my first guess being of file
        descriptors.  On Linux/UNIX based systems, socket connections (like to
        your mailserver and database) - not just files - use file descriptors.
        If that's the case, something - or a growing number of "things" - are
        holding onto sockets or files (same thing to UNIX) and not letting go.
        If I were you I would do 2 things:
        1) In the short term, increase your system setting for max # of file
        descriptors (in my experience, OS defaults are stunningly low for
        production systems).  This will require a system reboot to take effect.
        2) Find out where your resource leak is.  It may be there's one in your
        application (that runs in jboss), and then the cron runs that might
        require a lot of descriptors too.  Together, they could use up to your
        limit.  To diagnose this you might have to employ more than just one
        tool.  netstat (comes with Linux/UNIX), filemon
        ( , Optimizeit
        (, etc.
        Last, maybe there really isn't a leak, but the nature of your
        application, plus the crons that run at specific times, just simply
        require more file descriptors than what your system has configured.
        Upping that value might prove to be all you need to do.  If it never
        grows past that max, you're set - no leak.  Unfortunately, without doing
        some surfing, I can't tell you where to set it for your system, or what
        the best value should be.  I'll leave that as an exercise for you.  ;)
        Anyway, hope this helps.  And sorry in advance if it ends up leading you
        down the wrong path.  I just wanted to share what your problem "smelled
        like" to me.
        Peter Luttrell escribió:
        > We're using JBoss3.2.1 with Jetty on RedHat 9 with Suns 1.4.2_01 vm. We
        > have a pretty heavy load.
        > After roughly a week many of the boxes start to experience weird
        > problems where JBoss is unable to get what looks to be socket
        > connections. In some cases, we cannot contact our mailserver, in other
        > cases we cannot contact our database; in the latest case we're unable to
        > get a connection to the local jndi server (localhost:1099). Sometimes a
        > simple restart of jboss will sometimes solves the problems, othertimes
        > we have to restart linux. The times of the crashes are roughly 4am and
        > sometimes 6am, so it's likely caused by a cron job running at those
        > times, which we're currently looking into. Has anyone experienced
        > similar problems?
        > .peter
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