On Fri, 2003-12-05 at 08:15, Peter Luttrell wrote:
> We're using JBoss3.2.1 with Jetty on RedHat 9 with Suns 1.4.2_01 vm. We 
> have a pretty heavy load.
> After roughly a week many of the boxes start to experience weird 
> problems where JBoss is unable to get what looks to be socket 
> connections. In some cases, we cannot contact our mailserver, in other 
> cases we cannot contact our database; in the latest case we're unable to 
> get a connection to the local jndi server (localhost:1099). Sometimes a 
> simple restart of jboss will sometimes solves the problems, othertimes 
> we have to restart linux. The times of the crashes are roughly 4am and 
> sometimes 6am, so it's likely caused by a cron job running at those 
> times, which we're currently looking into. Has anyone experienced 
> similar problems?
> .peter
Perhaps some other things to check are hsqldb related open files if you
are running hsqldb using a JDBC port rather than in-line or in-process.
You can lsof to check for anything untoward there. This is a known
problem with hsqldb AFAIK. We run with hsqldb as in-process.

We also run the IBM 1.4.1 SDK for performance reasons. YMMV but it
appears that the IBM and BEA JDK/SDKs have a performance advantage - at
least out of the box without any tweaking or special options.

Best regards,

| Jon Barnett                                                          |
| E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                           |
| Homepage: http://www.amitysolutions.com.au          Date: 05.12.2003 |
|                                                                      |
| And there he saw a marvellous sight                                  |
| As to it he made his way:                                            |
| Before a fine tomb freshly built                                     |
| Praying, a hermit lay.                                               |
| The tomb was cased in marble grey                                    |
| And inscribed in lettering bright.                                   |
| A noble coffin was on it, lit                                        |
| By a hundred candles' light.                                         |
|     l.3526,3533 from the Stanzaic Le Morte Arthur                    |

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