I was very surprised to see that we had a problem getting a connection to the jndi service as well. I had assumed it was in-vm. We haven't modified conf/jndi.properties; we get our context manually.  We set java.naming.provider.url to jnp://localhost:1099.  I just noticed the following in the conf/jndi.properties file:
# Do NOT uncomment this line as it causes in VM calls to go over RMI!
So it looks like setting it to jnp://localhost:1099 could really be adding to the socket load on the box, and thus we could be running out of file descriptors after a week or so, which is roughly how long we can stay running. Does this sound plausible?

As far as stack size, our default is 8m. Does anyone have any recommendations on what we should set this too? Or suggestions on determining what is appropriate for our particular situation?


Adrian Brock wrote:
On Thu, 2003-12-04 at 21:15, Peter Luttrell wrote:
We're using JBoss3.2.1 with Jetty on RedHat 9 with Suns 1.4.2_01 vm. We 
have a pretty heavy load.

After roughly a week many of the boxes start to experience weird 
problems where JBoss is unable to get what looks to be socket 
connections. In some cases, we cannot contact our mailserver, in other 
cases we cannot contact our database; in the latest case we're unable to 
get a connection to the local jndi server (localhost:1099). Sometimes a 
simple restart of jboss will sometimes solves the problems, othertimes 
we have to restart linux. The times of the crashes are roughly 4am and 
sometimes 6am, so it's likely caused by a cron job running at those 
times, which we're currently looking into. Has anyone experienced 
similar problems?


This sounds like a problem with sockets.
Beyond what John said about hsqldb, use "netstat -an" 
to see what sockets are open and what state they are in.

But you should also check that the vm is responding at all and hasn't
just hung.
Use kill -3 <jboss-pid> to see whether it produces a thread dump.

The most likely problem is your access to jndi. Why are you making it
use a socket at all? It should be using in memory access.
Either you have changed conf/jndi.properties (don't) or you have
a jndi.properties deployed somewhere else with a provider url specified.
jndi access should not be using a local socket inside jboss.

Unrelated, you might also want to reduce the
stack size. The typical 8M of stack is very large for java which
allocates most stuff on the heap. 
Use ulimit -a to see your default setting.
NOTE: There is a ulimit command in bin/run.sh 
where you should change this.


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