RM> jde-compile-option-sourcepath
RM> jde-compile-option-directory
RM> jde-gen-cflow-if
RM> jde-gen-cflow-else
RM> jde-gen-cflow-elseif
RM> jde-gen-cflow-while
RM> jde-gen-cflow-for
RM> [ are not being saved ]

PK> There is a bug (and a fix) for the case where the JDE fails to
PK> save a customization in a project file that overrides a
PK> customizaiton in the .emacs file. See the mailing list archive for
PK> details.

Wow, thanks for the speedy reply.

Yes, I saw that fix but my problem seems to occur with variables that
do not appear in my .emacs customization.  I worked around the most
severe problems by placing jde-compile-option-directory and
jde-compile-option-sourcepath in my .emacs only _after_ I discovered
they weren't being saved.  Notice that jde-gen-cflow-* aren't being
saved for me and those are not in my .emacs customization.

Thanks again,

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