At 04:20 PM 4/5/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>NS> OK, here's one.  Do you still have the old project file handy?  If
>NS> so, can you check the lines that contain the above variables and
>NS> verify that they look like this:
>NS>  '(<var> <value> t)
>NS>                  ^
>NS>                  |
>NS> The presence of `t' here is what tells JDE to put the value into
>NS> the customized-value property upon load.  If it is missing, then
>NS> that's your reason why the new project file doesn't contain those
>NS> variables.
>Great advice, Nick.  Thank you!  Indeed this prj.el file has been
>carried along for several jde revs and many of my customized variables
>(all customized using the recommended emacs interface) were not marked.
>This problem is now fixed.

The mark is put in by the JDE's save project function. I believe there was
a point when the JDE was not marking them. So this is probably not
customize's fault.

- Paul

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