> From: Robert Mecklenburg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 12:51 PM
> RM> jde-compile-option-sourcepath
> RM> jde-compile-option-directory
> RM> jde-gen-cflow-if
> RM> jde-gen-cflow-else
> RM> jde-gen-cflow-elseif
> RM> jde-gen-cflow-while
> RM> jde-gen-cflow-for
> RM> [ are not being saved ]
> It seems possible that reading a prj.el from 2.2.6 doesn't generate
> the correct properties.  Do I need to abandon my last prj.el file and
> build a new one.  I have a lot of customizations which would be
> painful to merge by hand.  Any suggestions?

OK, here's one.  Do you still have the old project file handy?  If so, can
you check the lines that contain the above variables and verify that they
look like this:

 '(<var> <value> t)
The presence of `t' here is what tells JDE to put the value into the
customized-value property upon load.  If it is missing, then that's your
reason why the new project file doesn't contain those variables.


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