At 11:50 AM 4/5/01 -0600, Robert Mecklenburg wrote:
>RM> jde-compile-option-sourcepath
>RM> jde-compile-option-directory
>RM> jde-gen-cflow-if
>RM> jde-gen-cflow-else
>RM> jde-gen-cflow-elseif
>RM> jde-gen-cflow-while
>RM> jde-gen-cflow-for
>RM> [ are not being saved ]
>RM> Notice that jde-gen-cflow-* aren't being saved for me and those
>RM> are not in my .emacs customization.
>NS> Let me understand - are you customizing jde-compile-option-* and
>NS> jde-gen-cflow-* at the project level?
>Okay, here is some more information.  I have been saving my jde
>customizations in the file prj.el (using jde-save-project) at the top
>level of my project.  When I upgraded from 2.2.6 I did not alter or
>delete my existing prj.el file.  I just let jde read the file and
>decide for itself which variables have been customize and which have
>After a little more investigation, here's what I've learned.  From my
>*scratch* buffer:
>;;; this is modified from the defaults
>("(if (jde-parse-comment-or-quoted-p)" "'(l \"if\")" "'(l '> \"if (\" (p 
>\"if-clause: \" clause) \" )\"" "(if jde-gen-k&r " "()" "'>'n)" 
>"\"{\"'>'n'>'r'n" "\"}\"'>'n'>)" ")")
>;;; the custom-type matches the defcustom sexp
>(get 'jde-gen-cflow-if 'custom-type)
>(repeat string)
>;;; Oops, shouldn't this be non-ni?
>(get 'jde-gen-cflow-if 'customized-value)

It should be, IF you used customize to set the value and the customization
was valid. However, if you used a setq statement somewhere, say in your
.emacs file,  to set this variable, the 'customized-value property would
not be set. Certainly 

get 'jde-gen-cflow-if 'customized-value)

returns the customized value on my system. 

- Paul

>It seems possible that reading a prj.el from 2.2.6 doesn't generate
>the correct properties.  Do I need to abandon my last prj.el file and
>build a new one.  I have a lot of customizations which would be
>painful to merge by hand.  Any suggestions?
>NS>  Maybe you should submit a problem report at this point.
>Actually, my first message was a problem report.  I hesitate to repost
>it since Paul obviously got it.
>Thanks again!

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