At 02:42 PM 7/18/2001 -0700, Iain Huxley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I'm sure you're sick of naming comments etc. by now, and it may be too late,
>In some ways using the word "mode" understates what JDE can do for you - it
>makes it seem like just some formatting helper; the rich set of features is
>better indicated by "development environment".

I agree. I am not entirely satisfied with JMode for exactly the reason you
cite. I would like to retain the words development environment in the name.
So I have been having second thoughts about JMode. I've asked Sunsite
Denmark to hold off on making the name change in order to give us some more
time to think about the name.

>so, here are a couple more possibilities which retain that part:
>  JIDE [java integrated development environment]
>  eJIDE [emacs ...]
>  j-ide
>  Java-IDE

I will give these consideration and check out whether they are trademarked.

- Paul 

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