At 12:44 AM 7/19/2001 -0400, Paul Kinnucan wrote:
>Hi Jim,
>I am now have second thoughts both about simply acceding and about the
>choice of a name. Your comments make a lot of sense. Maybe I can reach a
>middle ground with J.D. Edwards. The best scenario would be if they
>accepted our continued use of JDE. If they won't accept that, I would
>prefer JDEE over JMode because it is a full acronym for the J(ava)
>D(evelopment) E(nvironment) for E(macs). JDEE was my first choice but I had
>discarded it as possibility because somebody had said that any acronym that
>contained JDE would be considered an infringement. Your research seems to
>suggest that it would be okay. I will try the approach that you suggest. 

I just searched the PTO database. JDEE is not trademarked.

- Paul

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