To carry on Bart's point, as well as terms like "official client" or
"best client" getting people's backs up, not all clients work for all
OSes.  For example, the Windows client most frequently recommended to
newbies seems to be Exodus, which doesn't exist for MacOS or Linux.  To
borrow from a term used earlier in this thread, how about using "the
recommended client for such-and-such an environment"?

Since it's starting to look like this portal idea might go ahead, how
about putting this on a portal site:

The front page has a big "click here to get a client" link.
The linked page has on it:
"       Choose your OS:
         + Windows
         + MacOS 9
         + MacOS X
         + Linux/Unix
         + Other
The Linux link would go to a further page:
        "Choose your environment:
        + KDE
        + GNOME
        + Other graphical environment
        + text-based

The page you end up on would then look something like this:

"       *** RECOMMENDED CLIENT ***
         <Some client, click to download>

        If you would like to see a review of this client, [click here]
        If you would like to discuss this client, [click here]
        If you would like to go to this client's home page, [click here]

        * other clients *

        + Client A [review] [discuss] [homepage]
        + Client B [review] [discuss] [homepage]

        - Andrew
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