On Mon, Dec 15, 2003 at 04:46:10PM -0700, Joe Hildebrand wrote:
> Setting your priority to -1 affects ONLY the step in the server where it's
> picking what resource to send a message addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (no
> resource).  -1 resources are not eligible for this default routing.
> Messages and iq's addressed to the [EMAIL PROTECTED]/resource will still go to that
> session, as will presences addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and presences addressed to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]/resource (where the resource is that of the -1 session).  
> I know, the -im draft says that presences MUST NOT be sent, but that was
> apparently a mis-copy/paste that will get fixed in the last draft.

Yeah, sorry about that. If needed I can post the text from my working
copy, but it's in CVS too:



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