Kevin Smith wrote:
On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 4:04 AM, Peter Saint-Andre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think delivered and delivered once would be good enough for me.
If not delivered for any reason, I'd like to be notified about it
so that I'll resend it.
Message receipts (XEP-0184) probably give you what you want, then.

No, it doesn't - we /really/ need to stop saying that 184 gives us
reliable delivery, because it doesn't - it gives us consensual
delivery auditing, or something similar, and that's not the same at
all. 198 is pretty close to reliable delivery for most sane
definitions, but 184 is a very long way off.

Given that responding to the receipt requests is optional,  how do you
cope when you send a message but don't receive a receipt? Resend it
once? Twice? To guarantee delivery, you have to keep sending it until
you get a receipt, and infinite deliveries will take a very long time!
Compare to 198, where the stanzas are always acked per-hop, and you
know that your message will eventually reach its destination. If you
want to have a chance of knowing when it reached, use 184 as well, but
184 on its own isn't what we want for reliable delivery.

Please see the subject of this thread: "Communicate between two client instances of the same ID". I assume that "JLIST" wants to build some kind of data sharing application that enables you to exchange data with another device that you control. Since you control both ends, I further assume that you know the other side also supports XEP-0184 and that you don't consider receipts optional at all. In that contexts, XEP-0184 may yield the desired result. But only "JLIST" can decide for sure.


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