On 3/10/2009 4:37 PM, Norman Rasmussen wrote:
On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 5:13 AM, Brett Zamir <bret...@yahoo.com <mailto:bret...@yahoo.com>> wrote:

    Nice idea... I'd like to add lack of full XML and namespace
    support (ok, maybe not XML with notations, external DTDs, etc.,
    but processing instructions could have been handy)... But moving
    forward, no outlawing of namespaced attributes anywhere, and
    especially true namespacing in Data Forms... (and perhaps
    requiring acceptance of <s:stream xmlns:s='...'/>, etc., while
    we're at it).

surely that's an implementation issue?
Well, yes, but there are issues such as these in the specs:

1) RFC3920bis-09: "for historical reasons MAY accept only the 'stream:' prefix" 2) RFC3921bis-08: "The <show/> element MUST NOT possess any attributes." (also with <status/>, <priority/>, <body/>, <subject/>)

The latter could be made to state "MUST NOT possess any non-namespaced attributes".
In theory xml:lang SHOULD be supported, so it's not really a question.
xml:lang can be supported without namespace awareness--the original XML spec (before XML Namespaces) allows, without reservation, the colon in an XML Name (as in an attribute), but according to the above issues, an implementation could theoretically (if not actually) use a parser which rejects any attributes on such elements.

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