Am 12.03.2009 um 16:13 schrieb Peter Saint-Andre:

Heh, that's what I've been suggesting for years.

It's easy for those who don't run the services to make suggestions.
Gateways are a royal pain in the ass, which is why we haven't run them
at since 2000 or 2001.

I know that and I wouldn't deploy that on either. Plus, it might look strange if the server offers such services. But what would be possible is to have a list of public gateways and use one of these ;).

That's quite a problem. It would be unfair to make one client the
official client. It would get more attention than all other clients,
thus more deveopers etc. It would hurt the other clients.

No matter what happens, someone's feelings will be hurt. We can't list
every client under the sun -- it's too confusing.

Of course, but having one client which we call the official client will be contraproductive for every other client.

I have no time to reply to the rest.

Sad, as the beginning to which you replied was the rather boring stuff, while it got more interesting at the end ;).


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