My response would mostly follow Daniel’s but I will add more
background—something I can write up into a subsection of

once the dust settles.

James Nord & Stephen Connolly wrote:
> as it stands in JEP-305 the versions are
> releases and these are expected to be garbage collected.

Technically this is from IEP-9, but as that attracted little notice
(indeed I only stumbled across it after it was finalized and
implemented), it makes sense to discuss in the context of JEP-305.

> Anyone also wanting to consume incrementals via a proxy would need to write
> tooling to garbage collect releases

I think GC is the crux of the question. For the record, I would have
recommended a rather more conservative collection schedule in IEP-9
(basically keep everything until storage costs start to raise
eyebrows); I am not actually sure whether the collection scheme was
even implemented, or if so, whether this is custom tooling or some
stock feature of Artifactory. Daniel could speak to that.

There are several things to consider about GC, and none have anything
to do with whether the version number happens to end in `-SNAPSHOT` or
not, so adding that suffix solves no practical problem.

First, how likely is it that a newly run build of a downstream
component will refer to an incremental version that has been expired
from Artifactory? This is hard to know until JEP-305 gets broader
usage, but my expectation would be that new builds will usually refer
to pretty recent dependencies, especially if something like
JENKINS-47498 is adopted so that merely picking the latest parent POM
for a component will switch `<dependencyManagement>` to recent
`master` commits (or MRP-tagged releases). There will always be some
cases when an old line of development is suddenly resurrected and the
developer declines to start by refreshing dependencies:

mvn incrementals:update

Second, what is the impact of expiration? For builds on,
possibly none: even though local repositories will typically start
empty, the build will download incremental releases from

which (Olivier correct me if I am mistaken) uses an LRU cache.
Therefore even an old dependency will remain in the cache indefinitely
if it continues to be used actively in builds. You could still get a
broken build in cases like that mentioned above, where the old
dependency is used by a hitherto-dormant branch of some downstream
component that has not gotten a refresh.

Third, can the release be reconstructed? For use from local developer
builds, pretty easily: just check out the specified commit of the
upstream component and

mvn -DskipTests -Dset.changelist clean install

For use from CI builds, currently there is no mechanism in place to
re`deploy` old incremental releases on demand, such as
provides. One idea however is that we could copy back artifacts still
present in the Azure mirror, or alternately decline to GC artifacts
known to be in that mirror. We could also scan for incremental release
versions textually mentioned in reference heads of various
repositories (akin to “conservative” GC in some programming

Either way, incremental releases are if anything _safer_ to recreate
from sources than MRP-tagged releases: a tag is easily overwritten, or
just lost during an incomplete `git-clone`, whereas a 12-digit commit
hash prefix is forgeable only with deliberate malice. Note that
incremental releases always deploy a flattened POM containing an
`<scm>` section with a valid `<url>` and `<tag>` (actually full commit
hash, not technically a “tag”, but then neither is `HEAD`).

> the impact this will have
> on other pipelines that do canary builds by picking up the latest *release*
> of a artifacts/plugins

Do not run `mvn versions:use-latest-releases` if your build
configuration refers to the official Incrementals repository or a
mirror thereof. Use `incrementals:update` if you wish to get
incremental updates (this is more nuanced—pays attention to Git
topology), or just omit this repository if you do not. (Currently
governed by the presence of `-Pconsume-incrementals` in

> in order to do bleeding edge testing in our
> pipelines

Of course a reasonable interpretation of “bleeding-edge testing” is
that you _do_ want incremental versions!

> the ability once it is in our mirror
> for things to accidentally depend on these releases.

JENKINS-50804 if you are concerned. The most obvious harm would be if
a tagged release of a downstream plugin were to express a dependency
on an incremental release of an upstream plugin, since the resulting
update center would then be internally inconsistent if it were built
from the Nexus index of the traditional release repository. Of course
this can already happen quite easily with upstream release versions
marked `-alpha` or `-beta`, or in cases where the upstream plugin is
excluded from the UC. The best solution is for the UC generation code
to actually perform a consistency check before publishing
anything—that seems like the very least we could do to prevent

> we believe that you can accomplish this with
> You do not need to use timestamped snapshots (which is the main objection in
> JEP-305 against SNAPSHOTS)

Timestamped snapshots are indeed especially problematic, but snapshots
generally do not match the use case for Incrementals. Besides the
practical annoyance of Maven checking daily for updates which should
not be there (we forbid redeployment), philosophically it does not
follow what I think should be the distinction between snapshots and

A release is something which is reconstructible from a specific
commit. It is a globally identifiable version of that component which
you may in turn refer to in other commits and be assured that other
developers or CI systems will not encounter ambiguity. You can create
permalinks to its sources.

A snapshot might be built from a commit, or a commit with some local
modifications, or even from an unversioned source tree—we do not know
or care. You may refer to a `*-SNAPSHOT` version temporarily in the
course of testing some changes locally, but it should never be
deployed to a public server, nor should such a version ever be
mentioned in a committed POM/manifest/whatever. (Just like you should
never refer to `LATEST`/`RELEASE` or a branch name.)

An incremental release is just a kind of release that is friendlier to
CI/CD. It is marked as a “release candidate” since every commit is
indeed a candidate for deployment. The selection of which versions are
actually used in production after running a gantlet of tests is just
left to a different layer of tooling, such as a versioned bill of
materials, rather than the awkward dance of MRP and (worse) staging

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