
Fyi ILOG (expert system engine) is now using J2EE and OSS/J connectivity.


rhalsey007 wrote:

Hi all, Well, after much churning with Stateful/Stateless Session Beans (& Entity Beans) I am beginning to re-think whyI would want to integrate JESS with EJBs. I finally arrived at the notion of using pure JMS Messaging and havingJESS situated within a client to interact with the message content. Ironically, two of the most successful projectsthat I have seen in 15 years used this architecture. On the other hand, EJBs seem to have many constraints that preclude the notion of a "constant service". i.e.,JESS providing a state-based inferencing service for clients. My test for the JESS/EJB integration would be touse the "pumps/tanks" example found in the JESS code section. The PropertyChangeSupport seems to throwa BIG monkey wrench into the EJB machine. It also seems that many of the EJB constraints are geared towards precluding the use of multi-threaded code (my opinion). So, for the future I will direct my attention towards using a JMS/JESS layered architecture. Obviously, the"pumps/tanks" example will not work as written but I'm sure some event-based message work-around could beformulated to achieve the same effect. Surely the message latency cannot be any worse than the "blocking"of the RMI-based EJBs. Anyhoo - that is my thought for the day.

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