Daily devotions for 09-21-2005:
Devotion: Morning and Evening
Morning Title: Being Seen and Heard
Evening Title: All Day Long
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Morning: Being Seen and Heard
"The sword of the Lord, and of Gideon."  --Judges 7:20

Gideon ordered his men to do two things: covering up a torch in an earthen 
pitcher, he bade them, at an appointed signal, break the pitcher and let the 
light shine, and then sound with the trumpet, crying, "The sword of the Lor d, 
and of Gideon!
the sword of the Lord, and of Gideon!" This is precisely what all Christians 
must do. First, you
must shine; break the pitcher which conceals your light; throw aside the bushel 
which has been hiding your candle, and shine. Let your light shine before men; 
let your good works be such, that when men look upon you, they shall know that 
you have been with Jesus. Then there must be the sound, the blowing of the 
trumpet. There must be active exertions for the ingathering of sinners by 
proclaiming Christ crucified. Take the  gospel to them; carry it to their door; 
put it in their way; do not suffer them to escape it; blow the trumpet right 
against their ears.

Remember that the true war-cry of the Church is Gideon's watchword, "The sword 
of the Lord, and of Gideon!" God must do it, it is His own work.
But we are not to be idle; instrumentality is to be used--"The sword of the 
Lord, and of Gideon!"
If we only cry, "The sword of the Lord!" we shall be guilty of an idle 
presumption; and if we shout, "The sword of Gideon!" alone,  we shall manifest 
idolatrous reliance on an arm of flesh:
we must blend the two in practical harmony, "The sword of the Lord, and of 
Gideon!" We can do nothing of ourselves, but we can do everything by the help 
of our God; let us, therefore, in His name determine to go out personally and 
serve with our flaming torch of holy example, and with our trumpet tones of 
earnest declaration and testimony, and God shall be with us, and Midian shall 
be put to confusion, and the Lord of hosts shall reign for ever and ever.

Evening: Al l Day Long
"In the evening withhold not thy hand."    --Ecclesiastes 11:6

In the evening of the day opportunities are plentiful: men return from their 
labour, and the
zealous soul-winner finds time to tell abroad the love of Jesus. Have I no 
evening work for Jesus?
If I have not, let me no longer withhold my hand from a service which requires 
abundant labour.
Sinners are perishing for lack of knowledge; he who loiters may find his skirts 
crimson with the
blood of souls. Jesus gave both His hands to the nails, how can  I keep back 
one of mine from His blessed work? Night and day He toiled and prayed for me, 
how can I give a single hour to the pampering of my flesh with luxurious ease? 
Up, idle heart; stretch out thy hand to work, or
uplift it to pray; heaven and hell are in earnest, let me be so, and this 
evening sow good
seed for the Lord my God.

The evening of life has also its calls. Life is so short that a morning of 
manhood's vigour, and
an evening of decay, make the whole of it. To some it seems long, but  a 
four-pence is a great
sum of money to a poor man. Life is so brief that no man can afford to lose a 
day. It has been well said that if a great king should bring us a great heap of 
gold, and bid us take as much as we could count in a day, we should make a long 
day of it; we should begin early in the morning, and in the evening we should 
not withhold our hand; but to win souls is far nobler work, how is it that we 
so soon withdraw from it? Some are spared to a long evening of&n bsp;green old 
age; if such be my case, let me use such talents as I still retain, and to the 
last hour serve my blessed and faithful Lord. By His grace I will die in 
harness, and lay down my charge only when I lay down my body. Age may instruct 
the young, cheer the faint, and encourage the desponding; if eventide has less 
of vigorous heat, it should have more of calm wisdom, therefore in the evening 
I will not withhold my hand.

Spurgeon's Morning & Evening Devotions
Morning, September 14
"There were also with him other little ships." - Mark 4:36

Jesus was the Lord High Admiral of the sea that night, and his presence 
preserved the whole convoy. It is well to sail with Jesus, even though it be in 
a little ship. When we sail in Christ's company, we may not make sure of fair 
weather, for great storms may toss the vessel which carries the Lord himself, 
and we must not expect to find the sea less boisterous around our little boat.

If we go  with Jesus we must be content to fare as he fares; and when the waves 
are rough to him, they will be rough to us. It is by tempest and tossing that 
we shall come to land, as he did before us.

When the storm swept over Galilee's dark lake all faces gathered blackness, and 
all hearts dreaded shipwreck. When all creature help was useless, the 
slumbering Saviour arose, and with a word, transformed the riot of the tempest 
into the deep quiet of a calm; then were the little vessels at rest as well as 
that which carried the Lord. Jesus is the star of the sea; and though there be 
sorrow upon the sea, when Jesus is on it there is joy too.

May our hearts make Jesus their anchor, their rudder, their lighthouse, their 
life-boat, and their harbour. His Church is the Admiral's flagship, let us 
attend her movements, and cheer her
officers with our presence. He himself is the great attraction; let us follow 
ever in his wake, mark his signals, steer by his chart, and never fear while he 
is within hail.

Not one ship in the convoy shall suffer wr eck; the great Commodore will steer 
every barque in safety to the desired haven.
By faith we will slip our cable for another day's cruise, and sail forth with 
Jesus into a sea of tribulation. Winds and waves will not spare us, but they 
all obey him; and, therefore, whatever squalls may occur without, faith shall 
feel a blessed calm within.

He is ever in the centre of the weather-beaten company: let us rejoice in him. 
His vessel has reached the haven, and so shall ours.

Evening, September 14
"I acknowledged my sin unto thee,& nbsp;and mine iniquity have I not hid. I 
said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord; and thou forgavest the 
iniquity of my sin." - Psalm 32:5

David's grief for sin was bitter. Its effects were visible upon his outward 
frame: "his bones waxed old"; "his moisture was turned into the drought of 
summer." No remedy could he find,
until he made a full confession before the throne of the heavenly grace.

He tells us that for a time he kept silence, and his heart became more and more 
filled with grief: like a mountain t arn whose outlet is blocked up, his soul 
was swollen with torrents of
sorrow. He fashioned excuses; he endeavoured to divert his thoughts, but it was 
all to no purpose; like a festering sore his anguish gathered, and as he would 
not use the lancet of
confession, his spirit was full of torment, and knew no rest. At last it came 
to this, that he must return unto his God in humble penitence, or die outright; 
so he hastened to the mercy-seat, and there unrolled the volume of his 
iniquities before the all-seeing One, acknowledging all  the evil of his ways 
in language such as you read in the fifty-first and other penitential Psalms.

Having done this, a work so simple and yet so difficult to pride, he received 
at once the token of divine forgiveness; the bones which had been broken were 
made to rejoice, and he came forth from his closet to sing the blessedness of 
the man whose transgression is forgiven. See the value of a grace-wrought 
confession of sin! It is to be prized above all price, for in
every case where there is a genuine, gracious confession, mercy is freely 
given, not because the repentance and confession deserve mercy, but for 
Christ's sake. Blessed be God, there is
always healing for the broken heart; the fountain is ever flowing to cleanse us 
from our sins. Truly, O Lord, thou art a God "ready to pardon!" Therefore will 
we acknowledge our iniquities. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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