Hi David,

At 10:05 AM 7/23/2003 -0700, you wrote:

Yes I am aware of those, but it still doesn't solve the problem of dispatching to a Portlet API portlet. The entry point for one of those portlets is a class that complies to a certain interface. For a Servlet in a different web application we can dispatch by doing something like this :

ServletContext otherWebAppContext = ServletContext.getContext(otherWebAppContextPath);
RequestDispatcher otherWebAppDispatcher = otherWebAppContext.getRequestDispatcher(otherWebAppURI)
otherWebAppDispatcher.include(request, response);
Well one solution is to use a proxy servlet as part of the container which must reside in the portlet application, this servlet is seeded into the WAR during deployment.
I've seen one other solution, where there had to be one servlet for each portlet, but I prefer the first solution.
With the first approach, the deploy program is specific to the portal implementation, but the Portlet Application WAR is still portable.

Well the proxy servlet would work, but it kinda removes the need for the Portlet API in a way. If we can integrate with proxy servlets, why need a portlet API ?

But there is no equivalent for portlets. How can I call the doView method of a certain portlet ? You'd need a way to access the classloader of the other context. From what I understand in the implementation that is being proposed to the ASF there will be a JAR that integrates with Tomcat (meaning it will not be deployed in a context class loader but in Tomcat's classloader, providing access down to all sub class loaders) to provide access to the portlets, but this is very container specific and will have to be modified to run on any other application server.
I haven't seen the solution proposed by the ASF.
Where can I find out about that,?

Well I'm talking about project Pluto. From what I understand it will work as a library that will integrate with the servlet container, and the only way to do that is to be in the containers class loader. (http://nagoya.apache.org/wiki/apachewiki.cgi?PlutoProposal)

  Serge Huber.

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