At 08:16 AM 7/24/2003 -0700, you wrote:

Im sorry, but I don't follow your logic.
The proxy servlet is a part of the portlet container implementation.
You can still take your exact same Portlet Application and drop it in any other compliant container.
From the portlet's point of view, it shouldn't matter how the container is implemented, as long as the portlet container is compliant.

Ok I hadn't noticed the proxy servlet was part of the container's implementation (did I miss this in the spec ? could you point me to it ? thanks) Or is it only available in the Pluto implementation ?

I agree that from the portlet's point of view it shouldn't matter, and that's the whole point of the current spec. What I was asking was how do we make Jetspeed portable to any Portlet API and Servlet API 2.3 compliant container ? How does Jetspeed dispatch to portlets deployed in a portal container (for exemple how does Jetspeed dispatch to a portlet deployed in WebLogic's portal container?). It seems to me the current spec doesn't cover this, but if it does I'm happy :)

Now I am not saying that this is the only way to implement a portlet container.
I think the most common implementation will be to put it in the servlet container.
We have considered moving the portlet container into Tomcat, but as you pointed out, it will couple Jetspeed to working with only Tomcat.
That may be the direction we take in the future, or it may be another project based in Tomcat.
This is all up to the Jetspeed community.

Ok I think I understand. You've managed to find a portable way to provide an implementation of the Portlet API by including it in the web application itself. But unfortunately this is not specified by the JCP as far as I can tell and therefore will not be officially recognized by other portlet containers which is unfortunate.

Oh Pluto, well that's what Im talking about too. Why didn't you just say Pluto :), Pluto uses the same approach as I am describing above.

You will soon have the opportunity to see what Im talking about.
We were planning on opening up a new CVS on Monday, jakarta-jetspeed-2.
However, we are still waiting to get the directories created on the CVS server at Apache.
As soon as this happens, I'll let you know.

Cool, can't wait to see, and help out if possible !

  Serge Huber.

- -- --- -----=[ shuber2 at jahia dot com ]=---- --- -- - : A collaborative source CMS and Portal Server

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