On Wed, 2003-03-26 at 14:25, Dave Kleikamp wrote:
> On Tuesday 25 March 2003 16:30, Dave Kleikamp wrote:
> > > Concerned that RH7.3's included JFS is unstable... thinking about
> > > switching to ext3 for the jbod. Thoughts? Will probably upgrade to
> > > Red Hat 9 within a month.
> The 2.4.20-2.54 kernel on rawhide has much more up-to-date JFS code.
> I can't recommend using JFS using RH7.3's SMP kernel.  If you are 
> willing to patch RH's kernel with the latest JFS and build it yourself, 
> or use the rawhide kernel, you would be better off.  Otherwise you may 
> want to use ext3 until you move to Redhat 9, which I believe will have 
> a more modern version of JFS.

We patch the Red Hat 7.3 errata kernels with 1.0.24 JFS. The process is
straight forward enough. You may have to tweak this for your

1) Run rpm -Uvh kernel-source-$version-i386.rpm

2) cd to /usr/src/

3) cp -a linux-$version linux-$version.ORIG

4) Download the full jfs-2.4-$version.tar.gz release to /usr/src/

5) Run cd linux-2.4; tar -xzvf ../jfs-2.4-$version.tar.gz

6) cd /usr/src/

7) Run diff -urNP linux-$version.ORIG linux-$version >

8) Run rm linux-$version; mv linux-$version.ORIG linux-$version

9) Use the /tmp/ltcjfs-$version.patch in the kernel src.rpm

The ltcjfs-$version.patch file should update the Red Hat included JFS to
what ever version you downloaded. Just rebuilt the kernel.src.rpm for
the arch you want and you're ready to go.

On a related note, JFS 1.0.24 on Red Hat 7.3 has been very good to us
under heavy load. We use it on the 600GB partition of our ftp3 server
and it takes a beating without any stability issues..

Scott Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Linux Technology Center System Admin

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